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C1/C2 Buchclub - Austausch und Philosophie

von Smartabella Teaching

Dieser Buchclub bringt dir Inspiration, Denkanstöße, Austausch mit Gleichgesinnten und Spaß! ✨ 

Wir lesen"Der Fall Collini" von Ferdinand von Schirach. 📚

Besser lesen und sprechen mit dem 5-teiligen Buchclub, mach jetzt mit und melde dich an!


Deutsch praktisch anwenden beim C1/C2 Buchclub 👩‍🏫


The benefits of this event for you 🚀

Advantage #1

Read, speak and philosophize in small groups! Here you can put your knowledge into practice! 💎

Advantage #2

You will receive inspiration and food for thought, be encouraged to think and broaden your horizons 📕

Advantage #3

While reading, you will have fun getting to know German literary works from different eras 🌟

C1/C2 Book Club - Exchange and Philosophy

Read and speak better with the 5-part book club, join now and sign up!

For 99.00 EUR


This is what you need for your success!

👉 Fancy German books?
👉 Do you want to apply your knowledge in practice? 😎
👉 Do you want to speak more fluently and get out of your comfort zone? 🚀
👉 Are you willing to read about 40 pages per week as homework? 😇 (only 200 pages in total)
👉 Are you motivated to improve your German in just 5 hours? 💪
👉 Do you want to talk about the book in a small group with nice people? 📚

Then this course is perfect for you!


What if, ...


...we take you by the hand

Small homework assignments that you can do without stress but still challenge you!

group.png are part of a community

Be part of our great book community and support each other in class!

conversation.png can speak more confidently

Inspire other people with your self-confidence. Every conversation helps you to speak more confidently and fluently!

read.png learn to read and speak at the same time

Through regular practice, you will gain more confidence and routine in reading and speaking. In this course, we will practice both!

Join the book club "Lesefreuden" now

For 99.00 EUR

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